But really, I feel like I haven't really had one. Tokyo in Tulsa was fun but it was way too fast. And now public schools are back in session and college is starting.. and my test is but a few weeks away. But I'm excited for fall weather and fall fashion. I just love wearing comfy sweat pants and comfy boots and oversized comfy sweaters. Basically looking sloppy/cute/comfy but it being in style and not sweating in it! Haha!
Guys, I really hate math... it is going to be my downfall. It makes me procrastinate. I just need to keep my eye on the big picture, ya know? And make myself sit down for at least two hours everyday studying. Basic math, who knew? XP
Awesome church services, my home church and Life Church with Cheryl :) I really need to get on a better walk with God. I have been slacking and stupid. The good thing is that God never gives up on us and is always welcoming us back with open arms.
This weekend I got a lot of dress O.O I love dresses lol. I got two green ones, a formal blue one, two black ones, and an Alice in Wonderland dress from HotTopic :)
I have a quick confession. Cheryl I wanted to tell you tonight... I just felt really stupid and embarrassed and I guess it's hard for me to talk about things like this? Well mostly because I felt really stupid... I kinda developed a one-sided crush... on a real person XPP hahaha. I don't really know much about him or really know who he is.. I know he's a Christian and he seems really nice. I've had like one conversation with him.... XDJKASJI:dkl;asldkfjlol
I guess when I think about "pursuing" it/him... I get disheartened. Because my self-confidence is shot and I'm just really awkward around guys in general :////// and I don't know if I really should pursue it. Or if I should just pray and wait till after my Nursing exam. I just... don't know. I suck when it comes to these things. I guess I just don't feel like I fit the "girl friend type/material." Or that I don't meet the "standard", I guess I just feel like one of the guys out of all of us girls. Or maybe my awkwardness drives guys away ... I know I know what you're saying.... you're probably telling me to shut up. But yeah... XP /flails
This Fall:
- Lavender fields
- Apple picking
- Disney on Ice
- Halloween Party <3
- Friend rave
- Poetry reading
- Vintage days